Yoni Yen's "Unfold"


Yoni Yen has created a sonic world that strikes the perfect balance between strength and vulnerability.


A multidisciplinary artist based in Sydney, Yoni Yen is a self-taught producer, vocalist and visual artist who transforms traumatic and life changing experiences into narratives that speak to a wider audience. Through her music, she explores her relationship with mental illness and the feeling of alienation as an Asian female in a predominantly white society.

Her recently released debut EP ‘Unfold’ skillfully navigates aural landscapes with a combination of rich vocal melodies, dark instruments, and futuristic beats. Alongside the single off her EP ‘Halfway and In Between’ is a music video that thoroughly encapsulates that feeling of alienation through lush musical tones in contrast with sterile visuals. In search for something beautiful in the midst of an ugly world, Yoni’s music is a cathartic means of release.

Curated by Non Chalant

Leah McIntosh