Internet Friends


Art is for everyone! Art isn’t something that just sits pretty in galleries.

Art can be little GIF stickers for use on Instagram stories⁠—accessible to anyone with an internet connection and a social media account. 

‘Internet Friends’ pays homage to the internet age that existed in the 2000s, a time before our online selves became an extension of our physical selves. A time where we gambled on Neopets or sent nudges through MSN Messenger. A time where we typed A/S/L? on mIRC and eagerly anticipated getting online through the shrill tone of the 56k dial-up connection.


These GIFs can be accessed through Instagram Stories, using the search terms Liminal, Liminal Mag & Pey Chi 4.


Pey Chi is a certified Textile Designer and a t e c h n i c a l l y unqualified ceramicist, based in Melbourne, Australia. I’m a chronically ill human and this paints my practice⁠—because of it I love making silly ceramics with even sillier faces.


The LIMINAL Glitch series is supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants Program.


Leah McIntosh